Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Today was the signing of the adoption paperwork to make the adoption official! There is a 24-hour guardianship in which you have time to decide whether you want to adopt the child or not. Michael said she's a keeper (ha ha)!!!! So, it is official! Haley belongs to our family!!

Here are a few pictures from today. My husband has not had time to download many pictures. Haley is VERY sick. I am in a major panic here because she is running a fever and she looks HORRIBLE. I gave my husband our guide's cell phone number and told him to call her right away and see about getting Haley some medicine. I packed a BUNCH of medicine for my husband AND the girls, but....they can't find the Children's Tylenol.

So, I'm saying a prayer right now that Haley gets to feeling better. My husband was laying on the bed with her. She wouldn't let him get up to talk to me on the web cam....she didn't want him to leave her side (which I thought was really sweet), but I felt so bad for her.

Please say a prayer that Haley gets to feeling better.

Haley has having a HAYDAY with all of the arts and crafts stuff that I packed for the girls! And, she's living up to her title of the "jewelry queen"!! My husband said when she gets dressed, she wants to put ALL of her jewelry on!

The assistant director of the orphanage was there (in the black dress)! Michael said Haley was so happy to see her! Haley drew her a picture!!

Here's the adoption decree! You can't see the picture too well, but Haley has a big smile on her face (and so does dad)! What a HAPPY day!!

Does he look like a proud "papa" or what?!!

I just talked to Michael again. He called the guide. She is going to bring some medicine to the hotel for Haley. If it doesn't bring her fever down, she will have a doctor come to the hotel. My poor little princess. What in the world could she have come down with so fast?!


bugs parents said...

I'm so sorry to hear Haley is not feeling well. It seems like all of the children suffer from some sort of illness when we first get them. Maybe it's just so much of a change to their little systems. Hopefully the medicine will work and she'll be feeling better soon. Don't forget - there are supposed to be great clinics in Guangzhou if she's still feeling badly when they get there - but we're praying you won't need them!

Congratulations on the adoption being finalized! It's always a bit of a relief to have all the paperwork done (until Guangzhou, that is!).

Kim said...

I am going to say a prayer right now for Haley. I am so sorry she is sick. I bet it is just a little bug that her system will work out with the help from a little medicine. I'll check back with you soon. Love, Kim

ww said...

Just said a prayer for Haley - hope she feels well quickly!

Congratulations on the adoption finalizing - love the photo of your 3 lovely and happy family members. Wendy

Ruth said...

Praying for Haley! Anna had a fever one day while were there this time as well. Tylenol brought it down and it didn't last long.