Friday, August 22, 2008

ALL IS $@**

Okay, was my last post REALLY entitled "all is well"?!! Hmmm....well, take away the "w" in well and add an "h"....that's how this week has been!

I am terribly sorry..I have not abandoned any of you! Don't you just hate it when you follow someone's blog for MONTHS and then...once they get home with their child.....they disappear and stop blogging all together?!! Shame on you people who do that!!!

I promise you all that I will update later this evening! I have lots to share with you, and many pictures! So, please check back!!

In summary....Carli has been sick all week (terrible head cold), Dylan got sick last night (throwing up), Lauryn has been extremely jealous of the attention that Haley gets, and Haley has been a little STINKER....okay a BIG STINKER!!! Austin has been our shining star this week (if you can even BELIEVE it)!!!!

Hugs to you all!! I will post later!!


Kim said...

You crack me up! I'm really sorry for the crappy week. What's up with haley do you think? I pray that next week will be SOOO much better.

Andy and Tamara said...

Hang in there! I will have to e-mail you privately to tell you what day this has been! Disturbing, frustrating, difficult, and scary news for our family, but God is good, and this too shall pass. I can guess about what a buger Haley is because I am living with her "brother."

mjlswells said...

Hang in there, it does get better I promise! And I think we all understand if you can't blog for a few days, but thx for the update! It has been so touching to see Haley home with her family after seeing her in China.

Hugs from FL