Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I've been busy trying to start gathering things for Haley's "adoption keepsake box"! We started this tradition with Austin's adoption, and he just LOVES to look through his box and see all of the neat things we've collected and put in there for him!

We started keepsake boxes for our twins, Dylan and Carli, when they were born and they have accumulated so many things over the years that have been added to these boxes! Although we don't have any keepsakes for our adopted children from the time they were BORN, we do have quite a collection of keesakes from the time they were ADOPTED and "born to us"!!

Lauryn is always thrilled to look through her box too! Her most prized possession is the outfit that she came to us in (she especially loves the shoes). And, the many things we bought in China for her! Her infamous ladybug blanket!! Also one very special American Girl doll (Spring Pearl) that is no longer made.....I'm sure she will cherish this one day!!

So, when Dylan and Carli want to get out their boxes and look through their baby pictures, the ultrasound pictures, their first baby blankets, etc., our other kids will also have a box that they can look through and feel special too!!

Now that I've been ranting and raving....I sort of lost my train of thought! Oh yes....Haley's box!! I bought her first couple of items online today! I can't wait to get them!! They're nothing really "exquisite"...but, something I hope she will like! They're from the 2008 Beijing Olympics!

This is a key ring with all 5 of the mascots on it!! Isn't it cute?!

And these are lapel pins! Again, all 5 mascots!

I have also put together a little package for Haley. One of the families who will be traveling soon offered to take a package for us! I am sending the photo album that I've been working on!! So, she'll have plenty of pictures of her new family! And I'm also sending some jewelry!! She loved the last pieces of jewelery that we sent, and it just made my heart MELT to see the pictures of her smiling sooooo big when she put that jewelry on! She must have felt like a little princess!

This is the photo album! I decorated it myself! It's filled with pictures of her family! I hope they will let her bring THIS home!!

This is the envelope I'm sending her things in! Yep....I decorated this too! I was in a "decorating" mood, I guess! I need to get back to scrapbooking! I think my inner-self really misses it!!

We are so thankful for families who travel and offer to take pictures of our little girl, or offer to take a package to her! We are soooo anxious for her to come home!!



Kim said...

O.K. Erin, I feel really bad after looking at your beautifully decorated envelope(care package). I sent our little treasures in a gallon zip lock bag. I sure hope that Haley and Cate don't get theirs at the same time!! Cate will be like, gee thanks Mom! I hope and pray our LOA's are here today!!!!!! Kim