Wednesday, July 23, 2008


As if this whole adoption process has not been one thing after another for us....

You might recall that a few months ago we received a letter from our adoption agency stating that they would no longer be making our in-China arrangements for us. I remember feeling very upset and frantic!! How could they do this to us in the middle of our adoption?! To say the least, I thought this was very "unprofessional" of them!

Well, we made it over that hurdle and managed to make our own arrangements without much of the difficulty that I had imagined!!

Today we received another email from our adoption agency. They will officially be closing their doors "sometime between July 31st and August 15th". This is the exact timeframe of my husband's travel to China!

I don't know how this will affect us (or if it even will), but I am just a nervous wreck right now! This was very unexpected and, once again, I feel like a bomb has been dropped!! Please say a prayer that we will get through this process without any glitches and that all will go as planned!! Please keep the Gehrke family in your prayers also (they're traveling at the same time...same adoption agency)!!

Have I mentioned a time or two in my blog that this would be our LAST adoption?! Add this to my list of reasons why!! Mama can't take any more of the mayhem!!!


Ruth said...

Erin, this is unbelievable! I saw some posts about an agency closing but didn't know it was yours! I pray it will not affect your travel and Haley will be home soon!! I am working on my post that you tagged me for :-)

Betsy said...

Wow, Erin, I can't believe this! I know, though, that you are so close to bringing Haley home that nothing is going to stop it! Will be praying for a smooth trip for your family. Remember we are all here to pray for and support you!

bugs parents said...


Unbelievable! Like Ruth, I had read about an agency closing but didn't know it was your agency.

You're so close - they must have some provisions for the families still in process?! They can't just leave you hanging, can they?

If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know.


Andy and Tamara said...

I am so sorry to hear this. What awful timing. I don't think it will affect your adoption, but it may make a difference in how you will submit your required updates. Yikes! Tamara

Kelly's Comments said...

Erin, thank you for the letter and pictures! You have been on my mind so often. Much to say, but for now, know we are praying for you! Kelly - and Aunt Lani