Sunday, April 13, 2008


Have you ever noticed that everything seems to take forever to get here....except "tax time"! Why does that seem to roll around so quickly each year?! I haven't had much time to post lately because I've been burying myself in tax forms, trying to sort receipts.....all of those fun things! I seriously need to come up with a better "organization" system for my self-employment records! I just throw everything into a box throughout the year, and then wait until the last possible moment to start sorting through it for tax purposes!! I just can't MOTIVATE myself when it comes to doing taxes!

So, there are only TWO DAYS left until April 15th! Have you done YOUR taxes yet?! Do you wait until the last minute like I do, or are you on the ball and had them completed months ago?!


Teresa =) said...

Erin -

When you know you're getting the Adoption Tax Credit, you do your taxes EARLY! We had ours completed in early February!!

Gotta work on that filing system,'re just adding stress that you REALLY don't need with your current way of doing things! (Spoken from someone who used to be self-employed and did the same thing...)

Love ya!

Teresa =)

Sharon said...

Happy Birthday to kacie!! and I feel your pain with the taxes!! URG. What have you heard about getting a return from the adoption expenses???

Kim said...

But isn't it great to know that another big thing is done-CHECK! And after every big thing that we have coming up, I think, one more done- the soonner we are to Cate! Now instead of dreading Mondays, I think this could be our LOA week! Am I obsessed? Have a great week! Kim