Friday, April 18, 2008


We awoke this morning to our entire house shaking (5:40 a.m.) My husband and I were both looking at each other like "WHAT IS HAPPENING?" Things were actually shaking away from the wall and towards the center of the room!! Our computer nearly fell off the desk!! The shaking stopped after about 15-20 seconds. When it stopped, we heard the kids downstairs (YES, OUR KIDS AWAKE AT THAT HOUR)! They too were awakened by the shaking! They were very scared. Honestly, the thought of an EARTHQUAKE in Indiana never even entered our minds! But, we were all too shaken up and SCARED to go back to bed! My husband scoured the house top to bottom and....NOTHING! So, then we started thinking "Oh my gosh...what if our house blows up!! What if it is the gas line or something"!! So, I actually called the police department. When the lady answered the phone, I said "Without sounding crazy...." She instantly cut me off! She said "We've had an earthquake."! I think my jaw dropped to the floor when I heard her say this!

Anyway - since we have so many family members who live out-of-state and they routinely check our blog to see "what's happening".....I wanted to post something before you hear it on the national news and wonder if we're okay! We're all fine! A little shaken up, but we're fine!

The early reports say that it was centered near Evansville (Indiana/Illinois border). It was a 5.4 on the richter scale, which they say isn't high enough to cause any major structural damage. But, can I just say that I don't even want to KNOW what it's like to be in an earthquake that measures any higher. And, good grief....I can't imaine what it was like for people who live closer to Evansville (we're quite a distance away...311 miles)!!!

So.....I just wanted to let everyone know that we're okay!! Don't worry about us! :)


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you are all okay!!

amorisa said...

Glad you are all okay! Having grown up with earthquakes, I forget about how much they can scare people who haven't experienced them before and they can be scary. Hope you all sleep well tonight.

Kelly's Comments said...

I wondered if that hit your neighborhood!

It was fun to visit your site again - this time with a high-speed connection! What a difference! I like the music :) and all the pictures! I must come more often!!


Kelly's Comments said...

I don't know how I got connected to that blog name...must be something I set up and forgot about...must investigate...

mjlswells said...

Okay, I'm totally jealous of your music... I haven't been able to figure that out yet...

Glad you survived all the earthquake excitement!


Sharon said...

That is so crazy but i am glad you are all safe and sound!! The CHI yahoo group probably had 25 posts about it. Every one was asleep and thought it was the dog or somethign!

Do you ahve a new blog look? It looks great!!

Hope you are having a great weekend!!